Now of course this is just my opinion of classy. But here are a few things I do when I like to pretend I'm extra fabulous.
Lets take this outfit a piece at a time. Your first step is to put on some Frank Sinatra to get in the right mood.
LACE: I love lace. Dresses, sweaters, leggings, whatever I can find in lace. So I have this lace dress and then I kind of just add onto that as I come across things in my closet.
CLUTCH: Remember how I said to buy all the clutches? This was my first thrift shop clutch. It started my love for dressing this way, actually, although I've always had a desire to be fancy. It made me realize I could in fact dress this way when I so desired.
SUNGLASSES: Big round sunglasses make a huge difference to your appearance. It's where I feel my connection to Audrey. That is important to me. If you could care less if Audrey Hepburn would have wanted to be your best friend, then wear whatever sunglasses suit your mood.
HATS: Don't forget you have nothing to fear from hats! (Unless of course they have a hat pin in which case, yeah, be careful). This cute little thing is actually a comb. So basically it stays wherever I want it. A little bit of netting and feathers with some not too over-the-top gem stones is just what I need to push this style in the right direction.
EARRINGS: Notice the teardrop earrings? $3 at the consignment store. Obviously fake diamonds, but a girl can pretend right?
Side note: I do pretend... a lot.
HEELS: duh, what's classier than a pair of heels?
I didn't wear any jewelry aside from the earrings because I had other accessories, and the neckline of this dress only allows for certain necklaces. If I had a nice long strand of pearls that would have gone really well.
Side note: someone drop a hint to my boyfriend that I need a long strand of pearls
If you don't go for all the feathers and whatnot I totally understand. DITCH IT!
We are left with Simple Classy.
I found this hat in my grandparents attic. It was my great grandfathers. The right hats add so much class.
Side note: And they make me pose-y
This outfit is more modern classy. (What? You thought I only knew how to dress like an old person?)
I love taking a simple black dress and only accessorizing with one color. Obviously I picked blue this time. I am obsessed with these blue heels! Although to be honest they aren't very comfortable (sad face)
I zoomed in on the dress so you could really see the lace accent. I believe this one cost me $12
Side note: have I mentioned Ross is absolutely THE place to buy dresses?
The earrings are HUGE so I couldn't wear the necklace as a necklace because it was all too overwhelming. So I threw it on as a bracelet instead
I used to have a cigarette extender when I smoked. I would highly recommend you quit smoking cause it will murder you. But if you do smoke, get one.
Let me know you think of my style and things YOU like to do to feel classy. Really, I want to know