I'm serious. If you find a comfortable flattering dress, buy all the colors.
This was my first one of this style. The fabric is soft and stretchy. My hair was lavender at the time and I loved the way the colors looked next to each other. I found all but the last dress in this post at Ross. And they were all $8 a piece even though I bought them months apart. Which to me just makes them even better. I love that these first 2 have that lace section in the middle for showing a little bit of skin without going overboard revealing.
When I found this one my hair was literally the same shade of pink as the dress. My hair color has a lot of influence on my shopping. I don't own that much pink, but when I do wear pink I like it to be in your face. So either HOT pink like this dress, or using all the pink accessories I own.
This dress matches my current hair color. A dark teal. I love how each of these dresses, though the same cut, are all so different. Different, colors, prints, textures... yet all the same dress. They are just different enough that no one has ever commented that "Don't you have that dress in 5 colors?" The perks of simplicity. Though pretty, the style is so simple, you can't even tell it's a cookie cutter dress. (Unless someone were to put pictures of all the dresses next to each other in a blog post and tell you flat out that they are the same dress. But who would want to blow that secret?)
This one was a gift and is slightly different from the others but it is just close enough that I wanted to add it. Just a reminder to stay fun! And there is no rule that says "costumes must only be worn as costumes".
Side note: I don't listen to rules anyways
Do you think I'm crazy yet?
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